Though he had penned more than ten books, the ones which he wants to promote and to get translated in other languages are ‘God is in our land’ and ‘The Moral Tablet’. The word ‘land’ in the title ‘God is in our land’, doesn’t refer to any geographical region; it refers to the intuitive inner space of each and every being. He himself had translated this book into his mother tongue Tamil. This book got released in the World Tamil Conference held at Cambodia in the year 2018. The condensed version of common morals which he calls ‘the moral tablet’, tries to support the universal peace through the attainment of individuals’ peace. The global version of the moral tablet was released in Shanghai in 2019. He also has a non-monetary web domain by name PUTLI, to spread these works. He expands the domain name as follows: ‘P’ stands for Purity; ‘U’ stands for Uniformity; ‘T’ stands for Truthfulness; ‘L’ stands for Love; ‘I’ stands for Introspection of ‘I’. He says: ‘When Purity is established in mind, it results in Uniformity of thoughts, words and actions. This state is known as Truthfulness. When it is felt and expressed naturally, we call it Love. This love (… based on Purity, Uniformity and Truthfulness) is the representation of the omnipresent ‘I’, which is otherwise known as God. He is a family man; a simple being. He is the one who has been trying to execute the principle ‘Do your duty and don’t look back or forward for the results’. But he too has some wishes. He wants to see a ‘scams and abuses free’ nation, filled with unity, unbroken culture and unexploited nature; he wants to see the above throughout the world. He wishes that India should act as a role model to the world in preserving and enjoying the world peace. By practicing one’s own religion truly and correctly, one achieves purification of mind and thus realizes the brotherhood of all souls despite linguistic, sectarian and other differences. He strongly believes that through this common sense of brotherhood and love, one can attain unwavering peace in the self and also can encourage the universal peace. His books are written only on this context in various dimensions and depths, over a period of two decades.They are freely available in the internet. TESTIMONIALS About the author and the nature of his works…. Through God’s Grace, Babuji was able to give a shape to the divine thoughts amidst so many tests and trials. Religious scriptures came through revered souls for the true betterment of the human race. But, in the present times, more than ninety percent of the people are not following these. They are busy in developing meaningless imaginary skills within themselves and in giving shapes to them through the scientific media (tv, internet, mobiles and so on). They blindly go after them. The life built on these ever changing meaningless things is bound to be lost in the world of pandemonium. Sathya (Truthfulness) and Dharma (Righteousness) are unchangeable, eternal. Human life is based only on these qualities. If we practice Sathya and Dharma in the right way, we too can become divine. Babuji’s works imbibe these qualities with the intention of reversing the ages, from the dark age to the golden age, in terms of morality.– Author’s mother, Smt. Saraswathi About ‘God is in our land’… I like the passage in which he (…the author) cancels his outward travel, decides to travel inward, and says, “People see God by their own light”. He says, “One can not observe the reality of the light outside, without the light inside. To see this inner light, the eyes of Wisdom and Love are required”. God is in our land, God is in our place. -Stone Shi, Entrepreneur, Taiwan About ‘I need deep introspection of Atman (collection)’ In these hard days, when you are struggling to maintain even your family life or office life, here is a man who had entered very deep into the subject, in the spiritual realm. Babuji feels that he has got something to say to this world. He believes he had enough experiences to tell what he intended to tell. He might have kept silent and led his normal life. But he preferred to come forward to expose his findings which should be made available across the ages. That’s what made him author these ten books, all combined to one voluminous book. I was not merely admiring, but wondering to see how he has entered or connected very deeply to all these subjects. -Professor Sundararajan, Pachaiyappan College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Commeners welcoming the mission of the author... |